Middletown Helps Its Own thanks the community for their donations through checks and Venmo during the Covid 19 pandemic.  We are continuing to take donations through Venmo @Middletown-Helpsitsown   

Food donations are currently being collected at the Middletown Police Station.  Look for the PBA trailer.  It is open 24 hours a day for drop off except Thursdays.

MHIO   feeds the families of Middletown with  your support.

Est 1964


 “As long as there are people in Middletown who need help…and people and organizations in Middletown who are willing to help,
Middletown Helps Its Own will be there to help.

Middletown Helps Its Own has been helping our neighbors since 1964.
We are 100% volunteer and supported solely on donations.
We provide food and emergency services to Middletown residents throughout the year.
We provide limited assistance with utility bills often in conjunction with other charities.
We coordinate the distribution of over 600 food baskets to our neighbors in need for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.


Due to Covid 19 MHIO Day at the Races has been cancelled.